{% assign use_variant_images = false %}
{%- if use_variant_images and variant.images[0] -%} {%- assign images = variant.images -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign images = product.images -%} {%- endif -%}
    {%- for image in images -%}
  • {{image.alt | escape}}
  • {% endfor %} {%- for video in product.videos -%}
  • Liquid error (sections/product-essential line 85): Could not find asset snippets/wt-icon-play.liquid
  • {%- endfor -%}

Womens SB College Crew

{% if variant.available %} {{ variant.price | money}} {% if variant.compare_at_price > variant.price %} {{ variant.compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ variant.price | money}} {% if variant.compare_at_price > variant.price %} {{ variant.compare_at_price | money }} {% endif %} Sold Out {% endif %}
{% for option in product.options_with_values %} {% assign optionIndex = forloop.index0 %}
{% for value in option.values %} {% assign optionVariant = false %} {% if product.options_with_values.size == 2 and optionIndex == 1 %} {% for v in product.variants %} {% if v.option1 == variant.option1 and v.option2 == value %} {% assign optionVariant = v %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% assign optionImage = false %} {% if option.name contains 'color' or option.name contains 'colour' or option.name contains 'Colour' or option.name contains 'Color' %} {% for v in product.variants %} {% assign optionkey = optionIndex | plus: 1 | prepend: 'option' %} {% comment %}v: {{ v.images[0].src }}{% endcomment %} {% if v[optionkey] == value %} {% assign optionImage = v.images[0].src %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% comment %} Image : {{ product.variants | json }}{% endcomment %} {% assign checked = "" %} {% if variant.options[optionIndex] == value%}{% assign checked = "checked" %}{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if option.name contains 'size' or option.name contains 'Size' %} {% assign productTag = false %} {% for tag in product.tags %} {% if tag contains 'size-chart:' %} {% assign productTag = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if productTag == true %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if variant.available %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% if BIS and BIS.Config %}
{% for i in BIS.response.errors %} {% assign err = i|last %} {% for e in err %}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {{BIS.response.message}}
{% endif %}

No need to steal an oversized sweatshirt when you can have your own!

  • 100% GOTs Certified Organic Cotton Fleece
  • Fair Trade Certified

Who Makes it Matters.  What does that mean?  It means we care about where our products come from and so should you.  Look inside your tee to see who made the clothes you are wearing and learn more about the Known Supply project HERE