{% if S3D.View == '3d' %} {% if S3D.API.Response.Designer %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if S3D.View == 'outline' %}
{{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.Rail}} {{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.OutlineDimensions}} {{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.Stringer}}
{% endif %} {% if S3D.View == 'setup' %}
{{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.OutlineSetupGraphics}} {{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.OutlineBottom}}
{% endif %}

The Water Hog

A best seller for 10 years, this mini-longboard bridges the gap between the more performance oriented M-13 hybrid model and our longboard line. Low entry rocker for trimming and enough tail rocker to stay high performance. Bottom goes from flat entry with concave, to vee out the tail.

Al suggests riding this as a thruster, available from 6’4″ to 8’6″.







Skill Level

Foot Orientation


Foil / Rails

Nose Shape

Tail Width

Entry Rocker

Exit Rocker

Rocker Style

Buy Online Custom Build Stock Dims
{% for zone in S3D.Layout %} {% assign zoneIndex = forloop.index0 %}


{% if zone.label == 'Shape' and S3D.API.Response.Volume %}

{{S3D.API.Response.Volume | round: 2 }}L

{% endif %} {% if zone.label == 'Surfer' %} Create Profile {% endif %}
{% assign visibleClass = 'dn' %} {% if zone.active == true %} {% assign visibleClass = '' %} {% endif %}
{% if zone.label == 'Shape' %}
{% for option in zone.options %} {% if option == 'Variation' %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign option = S3D.API.Response['Variation'] %}


{% if option.SelectedChoice and option.SelectedChoice.Value != -1 %}


{% if option.Optional %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if option.AllChoicesHaveImage %}
    {% for choice in option.Choices %} {% assign selected = 'b--blue' %} {% if choice.Value == option.SelectedChoice.Value %} {% assign selected = 'b--white' %} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %} {% endif %}
{% else %} {% if zone.sections %} {% for section in zone.sections %}


{% if section.options %} {% for opt in section.options %} {% assign option = S3D.API.Response[opt] %} {% unless option.Choices.size == 0 %}


{% if option.SelectedChoice and option.SelectedChoice.Value != -1 %}


{% if option.Optional %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if option.AllChoicesHaveImage %}
    {% for choice in option.Choices %} {% assign selected = 'b--blue' %} {% if choice.Value == option.SelectedChoice.Value %} {% assign selected = 'b--white' %} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %} {% endif %}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if section.options_lists %} {% for options_list in section.options_lists %} {% for option in S3D.API.Response[options_list] %} {% unless option.Choices.size == 0 %}


{% if option.SelectedChoice and option.SelectedChoice.Value != -1 %}


{% if option.Optional %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if option.AllChoicesHaveImage %}
    {% for choice in option.Choices %} {% assign selected = 'b--blue' %} {% if choice.Value == option.SelectedChoice.Value %} {% assign selected = 'b--white' %} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %} {% endif %}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if zone.custom_options %} {% for field in zone.custom_options %}


{% if field.type == 'select' %} {% elsif field.type == 'text' %} {% elsif field.type == 'textarea' %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{{S3D.API.Response.CurrencyName}} {{S3D.API.Response.BoardPrice}}

Order Save to Quiver
More Options

6'10 Waterhog -FCSII

6'10 Waterhog - Futures

7'0 Waterhog - Futures

7'0 x 20 3/4 x 2 5/8 

7'0 Waterhog -FCSII

7'2 Waterhog - Futures

7'2 x 21 x 2 5/8 

7'2 Waterhog -FCSII

7'2 x 21 x 2 5/8 

7'4 Waterhog -Futures

7'4 Waterhog -FCSII

7'6 Waterhog -FCSII

7'6 Waterhog - Futures

7'8 Waterhog -Futures

7'10 Waterhog -Futures

7'10 Waterhog -FCSII

7'10 x 21 3/4 x 2 7/8 

8'0 Waterhog - Futures

8'2 Waterhog -Futures

8'2 Waterhog -FCSII

8'4 Waterhog -Futures

8'4 Waterhog -FCSII

7'8 Waterhog -FCSII


{% assign compared = false %} {% for item in data.items %} {% if item.handle == 'the-water-hog'%} {% assign compared = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if compared %} {% else %} {% endif %}
Warehouse Stock