{% if S3D.View == '3d' %} {% if S3D.API.Response.Designer %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if S3D.View == 'outline' %}
{{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.Rail}} {{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.OutlineDimensions}} {{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.Stringer}}
{% endif %} {% if S3D.View == 'setup' %}
{{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.OutlineSetupGraphics}} {{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.OutlineBottom}}
{% endif %}

Rocket Wide

The Rocket Wide has been one of our most versatile and popular boards and this new version brings a whole new flair to its qualities.

"Adding the squash tail to the Rocket Wide has given me a whole new perspective on the design. Ultimately what I love most about the Rocket Wide is how much speed it carries through a ride, and the squash really allows you to round out your turns and create smooth lines on the wave with all that speed. It has been a blast feeling that freshness under my feet and stoked to have it as part of my daily quiver to ride!!!" - DANE GUDAUSKAS

Available stock in 3 or 5 fin configurations.

Advanced surfers will ride this 2″-4″ shorter than their height.







Skill Level

Foot Orientation


Foil / Rails

Nose Shape

Tail Width

Entry Rocker

Exit Rocker

Rocker Style

Buy Online Custom Build Stock Dims
{% for zone in S3D.Layout %} {% assign zoneIndex = forloop.index0 %}


{% if zone.label == 'Shape' and S3D.API.Response.Volume %}

{{S3D.API.Response.Volume | round: 2 }}L

{% endif %} {% if zone.label == 'Surfer' %} Create Profile {% endif %}
{% assign visibleClass = 'dn' %} {% if zone.active == true %} {% assign visibleClass = '' %} {% endif %}
{% if zone.label == 'Shape' %}
{% for option in zone.options %} {% if option == 'Variation' %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign option = S3D.API.Response['Variation'] %}


{% if option.SelectedChoice and option.SelectedChoice.Value != -1 %}


{% if option.Optional %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if option.AllChoicesHaveImage %}
    {% for choice in option.Choices %} {% assign selected = 'b--blue' %} {% if choice.Value == option.SelectedChoice.Value %} {% assign selected = 'b--white' %} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %} {% endif %}
{% else %} {% if zone.sections %} {% for section in zone.sections %}


{% if section.options %} {% for opt in section.options %} {% assign option = S3D.API.Response[opt] %} {% unless option.Choices.size == 0 %}


{% if option.SelectedChoice and option.SelectedChoice.Value != -1 %}


{% if option.Optional %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if option.AllChoicesHaveImage %}
    {% for choice in option.Choices %} {% assign selected = 'b--blue' %} {% if choice.Value == option.SelectedChoice.Value %} {% assign selected = 'b--white' %} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %} {% endif %}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if section.options_lists %} {% for options_list in section.options_lists %} {% for option in S3D.API.Response[options_list] %} {% unless option.Choices.size == 0 %}


{% if option.SelectedChoice and option.SelectedChoice.Value != -1 %}


{% if option.Optional %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if option.AllChoicesHaveImage %}
    {% for choice in option.Choices %} {% assign selected = 'b--blue' %} {% if choice.Value == option.SelectedChoice.Value %} {% assign selected = 'b--white' %} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %} {% endif %}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if zone.custom_options %} {% for field in zone.custom_options %}


{% if field.type == 'select' %} {% elsif field.type == 'text' %} {% elsif field.type == 'textarea' %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{{S3D.API.Response.CurrencyName}} {{S3D.API.Response.BoardPrice}}

Order Save to Quiver
More Options

5'5 Rocket Wide - Futures

5'6 Rocket Wide - FCSII

5'7 Rocket Wide - FCSII

5'11 Rocket Wide - FCSII

6'1 Rocket Wide -FCSII

6'1 Rocket Wide - Futures


{% assign compared = false %} {% for item in data.items %} {% if item.handle == 'rocket-wide'%} {% assign compared = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if compared %} {% else %} {% endif %}
Warehouse Stock