Join us for the Global Climate Strike

The world is facing a global climate crisis, and we need bolder, faster actions to address it. Join us during the Global Climate Strike this Friday, September 20, when countless students and businesses (and their employees) everywhere will march together and send a message that we want positive and immediate action to help remedy the climate emergency.

- We’re closing our headquarters in Carpinteria and stores in Santa Barbara and Santa Monica for business so everyone can walk out and join the strike in their cities on September 20.
We’re using our flagship stores in Santa Barbara (open 10-11am) and Santa Monica (open 9-5pm) as Action Centers where people can make signs and walk to nearby marches.
- For 24 hours, on September 20, will not take orders or make any sales worldwide. The site will instead re-direct to the Global Climate Strike website to help build awareness for the cause. All of our CI owned stores will not sell product that day.
Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old climate and environmental activist who is leading the movement. Follow her on Instagram to stay informed.
Stand with us.