{% if S3D.View == '3d' %} {% if S3D.API.Response.Designer %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if S3D.View == 'outline' %}
{{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.Rail}} {{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.OutlineDimensions}} {{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.Stringer}}
{% endif %} {% if S3D.View == 'setup' %}
{{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.OutlineSetupGraphics}} {{S3D.API.Response.Canvas.OutlineBottom}}
{% endif %}

The Performer 2

The original Performer with a lower entry rocker to allow for increased wave catching and performance in small waves. Outline has a blunt nose. Paddles and surfs fast with the same maneuverability of the original performer. Recommended as a single box fin with side biters.