FlexBar Technology
Flex-bar technology is available stock on the Rocket9, Pod Mod, Black/White, and Sampler. You can custom order Flex-bar technology on most CI models through you local CI Retailer or the CI Board Builder.
Introducing patented Flexbar technology by Channel Islands and Barron Flex. Flex, rebound, and resonance all play a role in how your board works. Harnessing and controlling these will take board performance to the next level. The Flexbar optimizes the energy and spring derived from both longitudinal and torsional tail flex in your surfboard by refining and focusing these forces under the back foot. Utilizing a combination of alternating foam densities and fiberglass through the entire board, Flexbar finally allows the surfer to feel and use the energy in your board through maneuvers. All surfboards will eventually lose their "pop" and begin to feel dead, Flexbar maintains the optimum flex pattern through the life of your board.

Another major component of Flexbar technology is composite sandwich foam running from center to the apex of the rail. This acts as the main base for the Flexbar and allows the board to flex without losing any of the board’s overall longitude and torsional strength. This also lowers the vibration (resonance), which is often identified as a negative in EPS cores; the result is a smoother feeling ride in all conditions, but while retaining the added buoyancy of EPS.
By using state of the art manufacturing processes combined with the best available epoxy resins and EPS foam cores, we have found that the durability of the each board built with Flexbar technology has been greater than a PU/PE using the same glassing layup.
Also, using the EPS foam and Entropy/Super Sap epoxy resin, all Flexbar surfboards are Ecoboard Project Verified by Sustainable Surf.