Watch Josiah Amico in “Shift Change”
Most people would be stoked if their avocation could become their vocation. Few would disagree that getting paid to surf is a thing of beauty! But if you’re like 99.9% of surfers, that’s never gonna happen. That fact won’t stop a good many of us from being on it as much as possible anyhow. We live for it, and we’’ll work to surf. Take Josiah Amico, for example, a full-time employee of Trader Joe’s, who spends every moment outside of his time in America’s favorite grocery market out in the water.

Josiah just put this edit out (made by Mini Blanchard) that’s comprised of several sessions between shifts at Trader Joe’s. Enjoy!

He is riding the NeckBeard 2 (with and without Spine-Tek), OG Flyer and the Happy.