Join us on the 2nd stop of the CI Surfboard Demo Tour

  • 11.16.2020

Channel Islands demo days are back! Come join Taylor Knox, Benji Weatherly , and Kalani Robb down at Ponto beach in San Diego this Saturday May 23 from 9 to 1 . Pick from over 40 new models to ride, don’t forget you ID. Check for details.


May 23.

Ponto Demo, Froth Factor 10. By 11 am all the 40 demo boards were out in the water. The waves were pretty small but there was a few fun ones it looked like. Taylor Knox was out there dropping in on people and getting ready for Brazil. Benji was out there on a Pod paddling with one arm. ( He injured his Shoulder a week ago in OZ ) . based on the feedback from the biscuit /Fiscuit/ Robber we should just have the Demo Van filled with those things. Actually there was great feedback on almost all the new boards. People were stoked to be able to figure out what size board to get in a specific model. good day for sure.

Oceanside Pier next Saturday(May 30th)…

See you there
Demo Dudes

All the boards.

More boards




All Shakas

All Smiles

The CI Van

Benji is stoked!

  • 11.16.2020